Anything is possible
Translight backgrounds shot to your specifications – in any resolution required.
Impressive detail at any size
Using a medium format digital camera, the optimum workflow for high resolution location photography. The advantages are:
– on-site backups and previews, so that nothing is left to chance.
– rough renders can be created to XXXXXXXXXXXXX.
– equipment is fully calibrated from beginning to end, so XXXXXXX
– outstanding low-light capabilities
Pixel-perfect Day to Night Transitions
Absolute mathematical precision with the files means that your day-to-night transition backdrops will be flawless. Lit from the front, your daytime image is perfectly sharp. Then, moving into night with the translight backdrop lit from the rear, your scene transitions seamlessly through dusk into nighttime. Perfect alignment.
Full dynamic range capture from shadow to highlights
Small, versatile and lightweight rig ideal for awkward or unusual locations
Expert in rigging for unusual briefs
I’m accustomed to shooting in unusual locations and those that are hard to access. The one that springs to mind is shooting the views from the Shard whilst under construction – from the crane at the top of the building. I custom-build rigs to deal with situations that fall outside the norm, giving you the results you need with the minimum of fuss.
Robust and reliable equipment
Location photography
Working with a translight backdrop gives you absolute control on the set. You’re not relying on a location over the longer term, you’re not held hostage to the weather or the lighting. To take advantage of this controlled environment, you can ensure that the location photography is the best represntation possible of the scene. Ultra high resolution
Why us
Precision with medium format
Our equipment
We don’t use a gigapan – dncndknldnfklndklgnkldfngklfngklnfgkl
We don’t use film – if used correctly in controlled environment you could argue that a 10×8 has a slightly bettter ability to resolve detail in a single capture, but are losing out on all the benefits of digital technology – fast capture, ability to preview and review in camera, focus bracketing if needed, exposure bracketing if needed.
We use medoim format digital back